Pit Boss vs. Traeger: Who Owns Who? The Truth Behind These Top Grilling Brands

In the industry of outdoor grills and cooking equipment, Traeger and Pit Boss are arguably the two most iconic brands. Both brands have cultivated this reputation because they provide high-quality outdoor pellet smokers and grills, which people use throughout the country.

On the face of it, these companies seem very similar. After all, they offer a similar range of products and have the same audience. This raises the question of whether Pit Boss is under the control of Traeger. Click here to find out the answers.

Here’s what my research revealed:

No, Pit Boss is not owned by Traeger. Instead, Pit Boss is owned by Dansons Inc., which was founded by Dan Thiessen and his children.

Continue reading below for more details about each company, their history, respective brands and products, and how they compare.

Table of Contents

Is Pit Boss Owned By Traeger?

Is Pit Boss Owned By Traeger?

Dansons was founded at the same time as Pit Boss, acting as its parent company.

Since then, Dansons has acquired other businesses and made them subsidiaries. Many of these brands are also related to the world of outdoor cooking.

For instance, Dansons is the parent company of Country Smokers, a business dedicated to selling smoking grills.

However, Dansons also has quite a diverse range of subsidiaries, not just focusing on grills. They also own Surelock Security Co., a business dedicated to improving household security.

Moreover, Thiessen Authentic Pursuit Equipment is part of this parent company. Named after its founders, this business produces high-end outdoor cooking equipment, perfect for camping or hiking.

Aside from building relationships with high-quality business partners, Dansons also places emphasis on the importance of helping the local community.

They donate the profit to charity, which is a wonderful approach.

To conclude, Traeger does not own Pit Boss. Instead, it is owned by Dansons. Interestingly, the founder of Traeger, Joe Traeger, started working for Dansons once his family sold the business.

What is Traeger?

Traeger is a manufacturer of outdoor grills that has existed since 1985. Founded by Joe Traeger, this started off as a family business that eventually grew into a massive name in the industry.

Joe started the company after experiencing frustration when his outdoor grill stopped working. 

After designing his own grill, Joe sold his first product in 1988.

This product gave the user increased control over the grill’s temperature, which was rare for products of the time. After years of success, Joe Traeger sold the business in 2006.

Since then, the business has continued to sell high-end and innovative outdoor grilling products.

What is Pit Boss?

Pit Boss is also a maker of outdoor grills. The company was founded in 1999, over ten years after Traeger. Despite this, it was still one of the first brands in the arena.

Dan Thiessen founded the company with the help of his two sons, Jeff and Jordan. Starting off as a family business, Pit Boss also became a massive brand after years of hard work.

They sell grills, smokers, pellets, and barbecues. These Pit Boss products are sold throughout the world, namely in 30 different countries.

Pit Boss Vs Traeger

What are the Differences Between Traeger and Pit Boss?

There are tons of similarities between Traeger and Pit Boss. They both sell outdoor cooking devices and have become incredibly successful in their field.

Moreover, they were formed at a similar time, albeit with quite a few years in between them. Traeger and Pit Boss were also formed as family businesses, specifically by men.

Even when looking at their products, they share many of the same qualities. These include a range of cooking surface sizes, multiple temperature settings, and the inclusion of meat probes. 

Yet, there are also a few other key differences that you can find between these two seemingly very similar businesses.


If you are looking for a budget-friendly grill, you are probably best off opting for Pit Boss. This is because their grills tend to be more affordably priced.

While Traeger does provide some more inexpensive models, you can easily end up spending over $1,000 when buying a pellet grill from Traeger.

While these products are worth the high price point because of their quality, you might want to look elsewhere if you don’t want to spend a ton of money.


Though both brands use similar materials to make their grills, we’ve noticed that Traeger grills tend to be sturdier. Often constructed from stainless steel, Traeger grills are strong and long-lasting.

While Pit Boss grills are also decently sturdy, they do not quite reach the levels of Traeger.

Wi-Fi Connection

Grills that connect to Wi-Fi are extremely useful, as they allow you to control the grill even if you are not standing next to it.

While most Traeger grills and smokers can connect to Wi-Fi, Pit Boss products are less consistent in this area. Many of their products do not have the capacity to link to Wi-Fi, which is a real shame.


Both brands offer decent warranties, though the Pit Boss warranties are longer than those of Traeger. Most Traeger grills will be accompanied by a warranty of 3 years.

Pit Boss grills are normally given a warranty of 5 years. If you desire a lengthy warranty, Pit Boss is the superior option.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are Pit Boss and Louisiana Grills the Same Company?

No, these are two different brands. However, they are both owned by the same parent company. Dansons owns both Pit Boss and Louisiana Grills, making them sibling companies.

Is Traeger Better Than Pit Boss?

This is an entirely subjective question. Some people will prefer Pit Boss, while others will believe that Traeger is superior. In our opinion, they are both great brands that are worth being appreciated.

Each has its advantages and disadvantages. To find out which is best, you must weigh both brands’ pros and cons.

My Final Thoughts

The ownership situations of Traeger and Pit Boss are incredibly interesting.

These rival companies are incredibly similar, resulting in many people assuming that they are owned by the same corporation.

Fascinatingly, they are not, making it easier to differentiate Traeger and Pit Boss.


I’m Glen, an ordinary guy with an extraordinary passion for grilling. I was recently gifted a Traeger wood pellet grill for my birthday. I knew little about setting up, operating, cooking with, or maintaining a Traeger grill. I started this website to document my findings as I learn to "master the flames".

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